Blue Lake City Council shows some sack

But just a little, really. Next to none, now that we think about it.

Blue Lake Police Chief David Gundersen will get the boot—but not until May 5.

What the fuck?

Whether he raped anyone or not is, at this point, almost irrelevant to his employment status. So many other confirmed improprieties have surfaced during the course of the rape investigation that he could never again have the confidence of the public.

Our tax dollars are already providing his room and board, his safety, his medical care, his prosecution and even his attractive orange jumpsuit. So why do we need to continue paying him for another three weeks?

Related posts:

-At this point, we would definitely consider a name change
-Police chief pleads not guilty to spousal rape, requests Valentine’s Day conjugal with wife
-Police chief denies spousal rape accusation, says two were never married

5 Responses

  1. Small balls for sure. But sometimes big ones get in the way.

  2. Many people enjoy removing balls and eating them. Scrotum soup is popular among the aboriginal people of Chile.

  3. My girl friend eats’em raw.

  4. Blue Lake Police Chief David Gundersen will get the boot—but not until May 5.

    What the fuck?

    Maybe if they wait until the 5th of May, his salary for what would have been the next year of his employment won’t count against the salary cap?

    Oh, wait, I have the National Football League on my mind.



  5. Here we go again Blue Lake City Council and City Manager. Another foolish decision. Now that they have gone and put the rest of the police department on paid administrative leave, the city, oops the citizens of Blue Lake are paying Gundersen’s salary while he is in jail, his wife Officer Seal who has been on disability leave forever and now the two Police Officers. That is alot of money for NO services. Whose brilliant idea was this? What about the PUBLIC mtg on the 29th to decide the future of the police dept? You have already decided that for us. Time to raise holy hell. You do not care about citizens of BL.

What say you?