Gallegos found guilty of wankering another big case

In a related development, former Blue Lake police chief David Gundersen was found not guilty of raping his most recent wife.

A big cheer anyway for our idiot district attorney.

We say “douche,” you say “bag.”


28 Responses

  1. BAG. Total bag. But what the fuck. At least someone’s doing time. Where’s Bon Bon’s prison stripes?

  2. Hey, her prison numbers ought to be 666

  3. BAG

  4. I love how Bonnie was able to find a pantsuit that color-coordinated with her prison bars. God damn that woman can accessorize.

  5. Gags sucks again? What’s new?

    How much time and money for 11 misdemeanor battery counts. Thats right up there with Sean Marsh.

  6. Ditto on all that awesome douchebaggage. What a fuck-sack.

  7. Well he did convict him of two felonies; it is still clearly a pimp-slap, though.

    oh yeah – bag!

  8. Shouldn’t that be ‘wankmongery?’



    A Wank and a nod?

    Ok never mind

  9. I hope he gets fucked in the ass daily in the slammer

  10. Are you sure those 2 items were felonies? Not misdemeanors???

  11. Oh just stop. Blue Lake says “Thanks” to Paul for having the balls to take this to trial. No one else would have touched it. Blue Lake is grateful……….Gundersen and Seal are gone and it would never have happened without Paul.

  12. Brigade, that’s technically not a valid legal reason for taking an unwinnable case to trial. The firearms alone were enough to end Gundersen’s career, although of course that might not have helped Paul’s wife with her custody-dispute client.

  13. So now it’s a good thing to try criminal cases to settle political scores? No one’s disputing Gundersen is a wingnut, but come on people. Not only have you created this monster named Gallegos, you’re now congratulating him on his despicable behavior. Kind of unbelievable.

  14. I totally agree meow!

  15. This is another in a long and shameless series of perversions of justice perpetrated on this community by a self serving, half rate attorney disguised as a prosecutor.

    Other than that, I have no strong opinion one way or another.

  16. If Gags brought charges against himself for gross incompetence, would he be able to convict on such a slam dunk, or would he blow it?

  17. Gags cares for the law as Pete Nichols cares for fishermen. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! we’re fucked without a sack or a sloppy kiss. Now run right out and vote a few more morons into our political sex lives.

  18. Pete Nichols is a cheap shot artist who just can’t miss an opportunity to try and weaken his opponents. Take a page from Kaitlin.

    Yep the fishermen will flock to Nichols safe harbor just as local businesses will cling to George Clark’s vast experience to improve the local economy.


  19. Kaitlin as in the spouse/partner oblivious to the evil tendencies of her ‘one and only’ David Cobb? Could some one please recruit some fundamentalists to preach on every street corner to get rid of this scourge of the earth? Where are all of the people that were oppressed by Communism – why are they not up in arms?

  20. This seemed an appropirate spot to post this:
    Paul Gallegos is an idiot!!!!!

    Robin Bradshaw, a man who beat his wife to death with a crowbar and then buried the body, had his girlfirend impersonate said dead wife to reclaim money has plea bargined out to a manslaughter charge!

    Some of the residents of the vicinity will no doubt recall the Angelel case. Larry Angelel was convicted of murdering his wife (by our previous, effective DA) and sent to prison. This was done in the abscence of direct evidence. There was no plea bargin, there was good, hard, old-fashioned lawyer stuff at the trial, yes the trial.

    This mook is such an incompetent boob that he cannot even present a case to be tired in front of a jury, which is how Angelel was convicted, at a jury trial, tried by the DA. He is quoted spouting blather in the paper about closure for this poor woman’s family. I am sure their closure will be complete when he gets paroled in about 3-4 years and their daughter, sister, neice is still dead!

    Paul Gallegos, never met a plea bargin for a bong he didn’t love!

  21. PLEA DEALS (partial list)
    ā—¼ Alan Bear
    ā—¼ Benjamen Edward Jentry-Rakestraw
    ā—¼ Blake Gregory Moreland
    ā—¼ Bradley Harold Mallett
    ā—¼ Clare Holmes
    ā—¼ Clinton Lee Harris III
    ā—¼ Collin Gregory Roczey
    ā—¼ Deshawn Lee Moore
    ā—¼ Duane Bowie Jr.
    ā—¼ Gregory Donald Scheider
    ā—¼ Isaias Felix-Romero
    ā—¼ James Phillip Geth
    ā—¼ Jason Leon Belles
    ā—¼ Jeffrey Alan Burgess
    ā—¼ Jesse Ray Perez
    ā—¼ Joaquin Angel Fitzgerald
    ā—¼ John Devoe
    ā—¼ Jonathan Henry Watson
    ā—¼ Juan Jose Estrada-Chavez
    ā—¼ Kelly Miller
    ā—¼ Kevin Scott Walker
    ā—¼ Keyontae Lamar Taylor …CHGs DROPPED
    ā—¼ Levi Cole Garza
    ā—¼ McClung
    ā—¼ Mongols
    ā—¼ Nate Robin Garza
    ā—¼ Nate Robin Garza
    ā—¼ Pedro Martinez-Hernandez
    ā—¼ Phillip Ellebrecht
    ā—¼ Ramon Roberto Klein
    ā—¼ Richard Craig Kesser
    ā—¼ Robert William Stepp Jr
    ā—¼ Robin Stuart Bradshaw
    ā—¼ Steven Daniel Hash
    ā—¼ Todd William Gonsalves
    ā—¼ Walin
    ā—¼ Whitmill and Flores
    ā—¼ William Joseph Lenard
    ā—¼ William Joseph Lenard
    ā—¼ William Richard Churchill

  22. Plea deals with murderers but prosecute the cops and the toddler wanderer’s Dad, btw.

    He still manages to scratch a thin cover over all his fuck-ups – to make it look like he is doing a half-assed job – but the facts are clear anytime anybody gets close to it – the Grand Jury not only saw it but wrote an unusually scathing report about what they found, the victims of crimes find out when they actually get to see him in action, and don’t get their calls returned, and generally come to see the sloppy operation he’s got going.

    The spin doctors are already at work, proclaiming his lack of support from law enforcement to be a plus, saying he shouldn’t be in bed with the pigs… Don’t be fooled this time. Vote him out. Don’t let your ballots sit on the counter. Get out and vote. It matters.

  23. The spin doctors have been taking hits from the same bong it seems.

    A lack of support from law enforcement should be a giant red flag that he is just plain stupid! In order to successfully prosecute a case, a major crime case, you know, like murder, you require the absolute faith and cooperation of law enforcement.

    Does he just wanker these cases because he knows that he can’t possibly win? I cannot accept that law enforcement would work against him, I know many of the HCSO and quite a few of the EPD and APD officers, they are sworn officers, which means that they will do everything they can to help in the capture and CONVICTION of criminals.

    “No support from law enforcement” is just another lame-ass excuse for incompetence on the part of the DA.

  24. Rose that IS just a partial list, what you read about in the T/S. There has been soooo much more.

  25. I know. I wish I had it all.

  26. Wow. My comment didn’t go into moderation! Am I off the list?

  27. Patriots suck

  28. I am the father of Nathan Dannemiller, murdered in Eureka on August 6, 2002. Because of the dedication to justice of Neil Hubbard of the Eureka PD, Bill Walser of Eureka PD, members of the state forensics team; and Paul Gallegos’ incredible instinct in the prosecution of the case I am able to accept the death of my son and move on. I was present for most of one case, Paul was brilliant and intuitive in his pursuit of justice for my son. I can not speak to all the issues that are brought up slamming Paul, but in my case he went beyond what I would have expected; as did the others that I have mentioned. I do not live in your community but am grateful to all the taxpayers that supported the prosecution and incarceration of my son’s murders; I thank you.
    Richard Dannemiller

What say you?