Carson Park Mofo jumps on the publicity-whore bandwagon

Admittedly, though, he is a looker.

Admittedly, though, he is a looker.

All right, all right, bro.

Here. Have some hits.

Feel better?


(But a little PS, if we may? No one deserves to have condescending and derogatory “news” articles written about them by people who–kind of like you– seem to think disagreement with the writer’s beliefs is a sign of incurable stupidity. That’s what’s wrong with the cable news shows you seem to be so enamored of and why no one we know watches them. They’re arrogant, inaccurate and unfair. So was Bob Doran’s characterization of a group of people in Fortuna who oppose the current range of health reform options. But hey–thanks for giving us another opportunity to point that out.)

52 Responses

  1. Glen Beck will be our voice in the next generation of conservatism

    Obama be dammed

  2. Who listens to Glen Beck?

  3. Come on, bugs. Didn’t you know? Everyone who disagrees with Joel really is incurably stupid.

  4. All the libs are listening to Beck and they don’t know what to do.

  5. Well I’ll put my pregnant teenager with a shotgun and bottle a shine outside the trailer to keep you librals from takin away our cable news (which I actually git from that 10-foot wide satlite dish parked next to the Buick).

  6. You guys are all funny, okay?

    Do you feel better, now?

  7. Oh, Joel….
    Wishin’ and hopin’
    You’re thinkin’ of sprayin’ the
    Scratchin’ and itchin’
    Up under your arms…
    That bug won’t get you with his charms…
    But if you’re looking
    To find nits that you can share
    All you gotta do is
    Hold him and kiss him and love him
    And show him that you care
    Show him that you care just for him
    Do the things that he likes to do
    Wash your hair just for him
    Cause you won’t hurt him
    Scratchin’ and itchin’
    Wishin’ and hopin’

    Wishin’ and hopin’ and
    Scratchin’ and itchin’
    Plannin’ and dreamin’
    His insults will start
    So he won’t get into your heart
    So if you’re thinkin’
    Of how bad this bug is
    All you gotta do is
    Hold him, and kiss him
    And squeeze him and love him
    Just do it
    And after you do
    You will be his

  8. Carson Park Ranger is upset about Cable news-watching hysterics.

    That is his way of denigrating people who are asking questions about conflicting thousand page bills that were to have been voted in without any scrutiny, without any examination or challenges.

    Because it was to be decreed. Fine with Teabagging-expert Carson Park Ranger.

    He loves to call them “Teabaggers.” Another word intended to denigrate your friends and neighbors who want to know what’s in the bill, what its long term costs and repercussions are.

    Another way to demean people who are saying “health care reform” has to include tort reform. And Medical Savings Accounts. Oh the evil-l-l-l-l-l-l “cable news hysterics.”

    Yeah, those “cable news hysterics” who managed to get Mike Thompson to actually show up in Humboldt County to answer questions about that Bill he was planning to vote for. Not that he answered any tough questions in the Journal interview, but that’s another story altogether. He tried to, but didn’t get away with the tele-phony Town Hall.

    Yeah, those “cable news hysterics” who have caused at least two major rewrites to that POS bill CPR is so fond of. Those pesky “cable news hysterics” who are doing the real investigative journalist’s jobs, and playing, for all the world to see, the TRUTH about insane radicals like Van Jones and corrupt organizations like ACORN in their own words. And who have now exposed outfits like CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC as complete failures as journalists as they refuse to condemn, or even cover, an organization giving advice on how to scam bringing 13 year old El Salvadoran sex-slaves into the country – just call them “exchange students.” (Apparently CPR doesn’t have a problem with that.)

    Yeah. I’m disgusted.

    (cross-posted on CPR’s piece, but includes a few CAPS so we’ll see if it stays up)

  9. Everyone knows that Joel is nothing but a closeminded elitist prick who isn’t even smart. That is what is so very funny about him copping such a ‘tude.

    Yeah, Joel, we get why you had to come to Doran’s aid. Hell you draw some pretty unfunny and rather bad cartoons. ‘Bout all you are good for dude: a shitty blog and even shittier ‘toons. What I don’t get is why MoFo is so dead set on making sure we all know just how close minded and elitist he really is. I would think that he would want that part of him to remain hidden.

  10. glenn beck is a LDS er… let him find his special underwear in a nearby forest soon…

  11. Sure, although you left out the part about us also being overpoweringly attractive.

  12. If that Carson Park Mofo even thinks about holding and kissing and squeezing and loving us, we’re gonna put some serious hurt on him. That’s just not how we roll.

  13. And by the way, turtle, we confess that we cannot always identify your source tunes. A little sung-to-the-tune-of action would help us at least feel less stupid (a little).

  14. Okay, so apparently we know one person who watches cable news.

  15. We love special underwear!! Oh. Wait. Sorry. We’re thinking of something different.

  16. Although admittedly he is a looker.

  17. Well exactly.

  18. You guys are dumbugs.

  19. Carson Park MoFo is just flat ridiculous on that link.

    he said:
    1) Sure, it was a goofy lapse in judgement

    (no Joel, it was a fabrication intended to mislead … at least that is what Joel’s boss said when she dealt with it in this week’s ncj)

    2)….a goofy lapse in judgement for Mr. Doran not to have mentioned that one of the people in the story was in fact his wife, but beyond that, what’s the problem?

    (uh joel, there ya go again…the only person mentioned who differed with the crowd happened to be Doran’s wife and he intentionally changed her last name to mislead…….and the problem is dishonesty Joel. deal with it.

    Is the account inaccurate?
    (That would be correct.)

    Was the assembly misrepresented?
    (That would also be correct.)

    Do the teabaggers have a point that we don’t know about because they can’t get fair representation in the media?
    (Wow, that one is loaded Joel. First, the demeaning reference to being a “teabagger.” That is truly “progressive” being so tolerant of opposing views by using that term. Next, do those who diagree with you Joel have a point that you don’t know about?….That would be a “yes” Joel. If you pulled your head out of your butt long enough to see daylight maybe you could understand that they have raised some reasonable points that you may disagree with, but those points are reasonable still. )

    CPR ought to thank the Humbug for this post. Probably got him enough clicks today that it put him up to 10 for the entire year.

  20. Yo brother, lighten up on MoFo CPR. He can’t help it if he is both intellectually and socially challenged. Respect the American’s with Disabilities Act and have a little patience with him.

  21. Carson, Carson, come out to play. We are anxiously awaiting your supreme presence here at the mirror. Why not engage the Humbug in a little mental gymnastics?

  22. Carson, Carson, come out to play. We are anxiously awaiting your supreme presence here at the mirror. Why not engage the Humbug in a little mental gymnastics?

    Hey, has anyone seen this:

    Looks like AnonRmous lives. Check out the last picture of CPR MoFo. Seems like MoFo likes WallyMart because of the chicks it attracks.

  23. Wow. AnonR is still around. Thanx for the heads up.

  24. I enjoy Glen Beck. I rarely listen to him, or watch him on TV, but when I do I usually enjoy him.

  25. I watch Glenn Beck. Beck got Van Jones fired. His reporting (and Fox News) got ACORN slapped down.

  26. Wow, you guys are fucking lazy.

  27. “Why not engage the Humbug in a little mental gymnastics?

    Not be such a great idea, considering how AnorR faired in that thread.

  28. What amazes me is how the elitist anger of far left Democrats (like Salzman, CPR MoFo and Bob Doran) has erupted to the point that it has become that of being simply nasty to and name-calling against some just plain ordinary folks who really protesting over how they don’t like being either completely ignored, or flat out pushed around. These fake Democrats ought to stop this and stop it now. Such widespread contempt for the average Joe or Josephine does not win elections – it loses them. It is also just plain stupid and un-American.

  29. I like local ‘toons.
    Westside Willy!

  30. wabash willy

  31. Right. We like Joel’s cartoons too. They’re over our heads, of course, but the pictures are pretty.

  32. You guys do of course know that Anon.R.Mous is Nick Bravo, right? A real piece of shit.

  33. Double Standard at Carol and Gregs?

    The mirror offends, yet they leave a link to the Herald, who allows comments calling RA a “fucking nazi”, while removing the bugs?

    Oops, didnt get the quote egggzzactly right, but you get the picure.

    Godwin’s law in full effect.

    Over in Heralda land:
    “Anonymous Says:

    September 23, 2009 at 4:57 pm
    Fuck Arkley and his Nazi bullshit.”

    This crap is constantly spewed over there, which is just as vile as the crap spewed about bonnie and mark at the mirror.

    It’s ALL disgusting, coming from both, but Carol is only disgusted by the mirror, because they besmirch those she is politically aligned with.


  34. You probably that wrote RA comment yourself 8:35

    That’s what it takes to make your lame point

  35. Nope. Didn’t write it.

  36. Hilarious speculation by anonymous. I have de-linked the humbugs before on my blog. The bugs know that.

  37. It’s true. Our girlfriend is fickle, despite our steadfast love and undeniable sex appeal.

  38. Yeah because no one over at Heraldo’s has ever said anything like that. In fact, Anonymous 9:31, if you like I can pull comments of yours from this blog that are not too terribly dissimilar. You know. If you want.

  39. Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking Nazi lovin liberal

    Fuck you

  40. Speculation Carol?

    Have you de-linked the Herald yet? If not, (and you hadn’t when I posted last night), then it isn’t speculation.

  41. One thing that is head-scratchingly silly is Greg & Carol’s propensity to delete posts that they disagree with as “personal attacks”.

    I pointed out (politely, I might add, taking pains to let him know that I was enjoying the conversation on his blog and that my comment was not inted as a slam) that he has a tendency to dismiss out of hand comments he disagrees with as “talking points”.

    I merely let him know that in doing that he doesn’t give the posters any credit for thinking for themselves, and that when he tells posters that they are “parroting talking points”, it can be condescending.

    This was the vein in which my post was written, and when I asked why, the following hilarity ensued, including several more deleted posts:

    “Paul // September 25, 2009 at 5:55 pm | Reply


    What happened to my post?

    Greg // September 25, 2009 at 5:56 pm | Reply

    Deleted as a personal attack. Sorry.

    Carol // September 25, 2009 at 6:08 pm | Reply

    I didn’t like it, so I deleted it.

    Carol // September 25, 2009 at 6:15 pm | Reply

    The delete button:
    The Power of Blog Ownership.

    Paul // September 25, 2009 at 6:20 pm | Reply

    Well, that’s too bad, because this was an interesting conversation.

    My point remains the same. I hope you consider it before dismissing comments that you disagree with out of hand. It really adds to the conversation when we can respectfully disagree, and not summarily delete comments.

    Go ahead and delete away, but again, consider the point. And again, it wasnt intended as any kind of an attack – my apologies if thats how you interpreted it.

    Have a great weekend.

    Carol // September 25, 2009 at 6:23 pm | Reply

    That is how I interpreted it. Apologies accepted. You have a good weekend, too.

    Greg // September 25, 2009 at 6:36 pm | Reply

    No thanks, “Paul”. Carol is too nice. If this gizmo works, you are history at C&G’s.

    (This is the old fart at the end of the week. “Have a great weekend” yourself.)”

    So, anyway, I just wanted to get that out my system. Thanks, Bugs! Hugs!

  42. Do you feel better, “Paul”? I hope so.

  43. Not sure who you’re talking to, but, you know–hugs!!!

  44. We’ve had to delete a couple of comments since our glorious but mediocre return. A certain “health care reform activist” twice made racist remarks, and that’s just not okay. That he then attempted to attribute them to a respected physician didn’t help.

    It’s important to most bloggers that they not provide a forum for libel. All those investigators and lawyers can really ruin your day. Sometimes we can fix a remark by deleting a word or two, but once in a while we can’t, or just get tired of trying, and pull the comment and get on with our lives.

    We’ve got nothing against a little spirited debate. If you want to call someone an asshole, have at it. But if instead you wish to call him a child molester, your comment’s not going to last long here.

    That’s where we draw the line. Other bloggers use different criteria.

  45. Anon: a talking point is a talking point.

    Bugs, Carol woke up in a good mood today. We’ll re-link you, at least until next time.

  46. and you have your own portal, too! BBFF! Hugs~

  47. We are deeply pleased, friends. Hugs to Carol!! And a moderately warm handshake for that Greg fellow.

  48. I feel great, “Carol”. Thanks for asking.

    No, “Greg”, a talking point is a talking point simply because you dont have an answer to refute an argument that runs counter to your own.

    Again, to accuse one of simply trotting out talking points is akin to denying that they have thought the point out, and is denigrating.

    Deleting posts pointing that out, as well as banning the poster from your blog is certainly your right, but it just shows you are afraid of good, honest debate.

  49. oopsie!

    A talking point is NOT a talking point…….

  50. The guy defending Heraldo.


What say you?