North Coast Journal hosts convenient child porn links in Cole Machado child porn story

As traditional ad revenues declined, North Coast Journal Publisher Judy Hodgson encouraged her staff to explore innovative product placement opportunities.

Thank you to the friend who sent this to us! Hugs!!

17 Responses

  1. Gone now.

  2. The Nigerian spammers hit every blog. You can get 20 of those a day, and most get caught in the spam filter. They seem to love old posts for some reason. Usually they say, “I LOVE your blog” and link to some obscene “escort” sites, or they try to sell you watches.

  3. Wow. That IS convenient. It must be part of the Journal’s renewed commitment to a complete reader experience.

    Ah just kidding. Thanks, Ryan. You’re a good guy, and a good sport.

  4. The NCJ checks on the Mirror at 7:30 am? Wow bugs.

    Now about Machado, at least the feds stepped in to enforce things here in HumCo. Our dude DA didn’t think Machados crimes were any big deal.

  5. Slow news day?

  6. I am guessing that Tom Abate posted those child porn links.

  7. They’re all slow news days when you think about it. WTF else is there going on these days?

    Back in my day we had the Revolutionary War, but otherwise it was just boring shit. Except for poking the slave women and stuff.

  8. So sad.

  9. Pot and young girls; you’d think that EPIC was running the paper.

  10. Andrew hmmm. Slave poking? You need help little troll.

  11. Andrew hmmm. Slave poking? You need help little troll.

  12. Love the heading with Congressman Weiner! Maybe he could get a job as the poster boy for Oscar Meyer?

    As the saying goes “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy” ! Talk about Karma.

  13. Off topic but, what do you think about the city council’s upcoming closed door session to “evaluate” chef Garr’s performance? The only place it’s posted is on Hearldo’s (Larry’s) blog. Gollee gee whiz, isn’t that a coincidence? Could it be that Hearaldo was tipped off to the upcoming closed door meeting by a certain councilperson ?

    Hearaldo/Larry is starting the spin (Propaganda) to try and save his buddy Garr. Dispite all the spin I think Garr’s condition is critical. Gee that’s too bad.

  14. Nielsen’s condition has been critical for a couple of years. He applied for a chief’s position in shasta 2 yrs ago because he was figuring he would be fired. He has been putting out resumes ever since because he’ll never get a contract renewal with the lawsuits he caused. Karma.

  15. The Chief is on the way out. His past is finally coming back to haunt him. You can’t lie and sleaze around and think it is not going to catch up with you sooner or later…his untouchable status is crumbling… the wrecking ball is swinging heavier then ever with his latest lawsuit…he is going down…and not in a good way.

  16. Heraldo and his group of followers, or imaginary firends, are on the move to whip up support for Nielsen.

    Check Nielsen’s Facebook page; Larry Glass, Ron Kuhnel, Peter LaVallee and others are listed as his friends. Somewhat interesting.

    Seems to me the POP team idea and implementation came about under Chief Milsap. Nielsen just started it again once staffing levels were up. And what about the civilian POP position that was so “imperative” to the success of the POP team?? The position that both he and Glass said pubically was absolutely necessary for the successs of the POP Team? The position that was intended for a female friend of Nielsen’s and then that friend got another job, the position was never filled. That was unusual. I would guess that Mr. Nielsen has a lot of explaining to do.

    I guess it’s not a secret that Nielsen has applied for several Chief of Police jobs in California over that past two years, and never gets called back for a second interview! I guess the powers that be were hoping some other city would take their problem employee, since he is such a dynamic leader and miracle worker.

  17. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cat

What say you?